Shed Door Makeover!
Shed Door refresh!
With the leftover paint from the front door, I decided to tackle the dingy shed door during nap time this past weekend. It certainly gives a sunnier outlook to the shed! The color is the same as our front door on our house, Spiced Butternut by Olympic.
There are still lots of tasks I need to do to clean up the shed (de-moss the roof, add stairs, repaint the windows, and add white trim) but at least for now it has a happy door!
I will take any progress I can get, especially since we have some big long-term projects going right now. I like the feeling of a quick win, all thanks to a paintbrush!
2 thoughts on “Shed Door Makeover!”
Looks sunny, happy and welcoming!
You are a great time manager! The kiddos get their naps, you paint the door (I ❤️ the color) and I am sure you had other balls in the air at the same time! I like the expression, “make hay while the sunshines!” You certainly do!
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